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EAZYBI Returns the number of days from the first date to the second date.


DateDiffDays(From_Date_Expression, To_Date_Expression)



MDX expression that returns the first date of the calculation.


MDX expression that returns the second date of the calculation.


The following example shows how many days have passed from the issue creation date until it was resolved.

  [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Created at'),
  [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Resolved at')

The following example calculates how many days the issue spent in the status since the last status transition.

DateDiffDays([Measures].[Issue status updated date], Now())

See the example report Issues days in current status overview in our demo account. The formula above is used within any calculation in this report to count days spent in the status. The calculation is used in several scenarios to detect issues with age in status by a particular interval or an average time spent in the status.

See also

  • The above is an example how to use the DateDiffDays function. Note that more efficient way of calculating issues due in various age intervals would be to use the Age intervals dimension.
  • Function DateDiffWorkdays which returns number of working days between two dates.