CASE statement
Lets you conditionally return specific values from multiple comparisons.
There are two types of case statements:
A simple case statement that compares an expression to a set of simple expressions to return specific values.
A searched case statement that evaluates a set of Boolean expressions to return specific values.
Simple CASE statement:
CASE [input_expression] WHEN when_expression_1 THEN when_true_result_expression_1 WHEN when_expression_2 THEN when_true_result_expression_2 [...n] ELSE else_result_expression --this statement is optional END
Search CASE statement:
CASE WHEN Boolean_expression_1 THEN when_true_result_expression_1 WHEN Boolean_expression_2 THEN when_true_result_expression_2 [...n] ELSE else_result_expression --this statement is optional END
If there is no ELSE clause, and all WHEN clauses are evaluated as false, the result is an empty cell.
input_expression | A Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that resolves to a scalar value. |
when_expression | A specified scalar value against which the input_expression is evaluated, which, when evaluated to true, returns the scalar value of the else_result_expression. |
when_true_result_expression | The scalar value is returned when the WHEN clause evaluates to true. |
else_result_expression | The scalar value returned when none of the WHEN clauses evaluate to true. This argument is optional. |
Boolean_expression | An MDX expression that evaluates to a scalar value. |
If Sprint is closed, the boolean value will be 1, and the calculation will return "Yes", otherwise "No" will be returned:
--example of "Simple" case stetement CASE [Sprint].CurrentMember.GetBoolean('Closed') WHEN CBool(1) THEN 'Yes' WHEN CBool(0) THEN 'No' END
Calculates the percentage of resolved issues from issues created. In the following example, logical expression in the case statement is used for the measure "Issues created" to avoid dividing by zero, which returns infinity.
--example of "Search" case stetement CASE WHEN [Measures].[Issues created] <> 0 THEN CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Issues resolved],0) / [Measures].[Issues created] END
See more about CoalesceEmpty() here
If the Due date is empty, then 60 days are added to the Issue created date; otherwise, the due date is returned. Both result_expressions should be in the same format, or the format must be manually defined:
--example of "Search" case stetement CASE WHEN IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue due date]) THEN DateAddWorkdays( [Measures].[Issue created date], 60 ) ELSE DateParse([Measures].[Issue due date]) END
Read more details about DateAddWorkdays() and DateParse() functions.
See also
- Description of conditions in calculated measures
- Condition statements with function Iif()