Applies a set to each member of another set, and then joins the resulting sets by union. Alternatively, this function returns a concatenated string created by evaluating a string expression over a set.
Set expression syntax:
Generate(Set1_Expression, Set2_Expression [, ALL])
String expression syntax:
Generate(Set1_Expression, String_Expression [, Delimiter_String])
Set1_Expression | MDX expression that returns a set. |
Set2_Expression | MDX expression that returns a set. |
String_Expression | String expression that typically uses the name or the property name of the current member of each tuple in the specified set. |
Delimiter_String | A valid delimiter is expressed as a string expression. |
ALL | Optional parameter. If ALL is specified, the function retains duplicates in the resulting set. |
Set expression example
The following example could be used as a calculated member in the Sprint dimension to retrieve the Last closed sprint from each board:
Aggregate( Generate( -- set expression1 - filters all boards [Sprint].[Board].Members, -- set expression2 - for each board, pulls in the last completed sprint Tail( Filter( [Sprint].CurrentMember.Children, [Sprint].CurrentMember.GetBoolean("Closed") ), -- 1st last closed sprint in each board 1 ).Item(0) ) )
See the example report Active (multiple) sprints story points burn-down in our demo account. The report uses a calculated member Last closed (completed) sprints as a selection option on Pages. The report has a selection of two other similar calculated members Closed Sprints 2nd last cycle and Closed Sprints 3rd last cycle. They represent closed sprints 2 cycles ago and 3 cycles ago from each board.
String expression examples
Here is an example to show a list of version releases based on release dates
Generate( -- set expression Filter( [Fix Version].[Version].Members, DateInPeriod( [Fix Version].CurrentMember.get('Release date'), [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember ) AND ( [Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember, [Measures].[Issues created] ) > 0 ), -- get fix version name [Fix Version].CurrentMember.Name, -- delimiter ', ' )
See the example report Version releases in our demo account. The calculated measures Version release uses the formula above to show a list of versions with a release dates as a string for each period.
The default Issue property Issue Sub-task keys uses the function Generate to show all sub-task keys for any issue:
CASE WHEN NOT -- Sub-task keys property stores max 255 charters IsEmpty([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Sub-task keys')) THEN -- generate all sub-task keys list from Sub-task hierarchy Generate( [Issue.Sub-task].[Parent].GetMemberByKey( [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key ).Children, [Issue.Sub-task].CurrentMember.GetString('KEY'), ',' ) END