Time tracking burndown in selected Sprint
eazyBI for Jira
This report shows the guideline of how many hours should be spent per day depending on the estimate at the beginning of Sprint; logged hours as well as how many hours are remaining after hours have been logged. The remaining estimate history displays changes if, for example, if estimates for issues change, or a new task with a new estimate is added to the active sprint.
This report uses Measures dimension on columns. Select measures Remaining estimated hours history and Hours spent as well for the report.
The report uses default calculations to build Cumulative hours spent measure. Click on the measure name Hours spent in the report and select the options Add calculated > Cumulative sum > including empty. This added a new measure with the name Cumulative hours spent.
The report uses a custom user-defined calculated measure to show Sprint Estimated guideline. It calculates the suggested amount of hours that should be spent per each day of Sprint by multiplying the Remaining estimated hours at the beginning of Sprint with working days left until the end of Sprint and dividing that with how many working days are in Sprint.
-- annotations.group = Time tracking CASE WHEN DateBetween([Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.StartDate, DateWithoutTime([Sprint].CurrentMember.get('Start date')), [Sprint].CurrentMember.get('End date') ) OR DateInPeriod( [Sprint].CurrentMember.get('Start date'), [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember ) THEN [Measures].[Sprint Remaining Estimates committed] * ( DateDiffWorkdays( DateWithoutTime([Sprint].CurrentMember.get('Start date')), DateWithoutTime([Sprint].CurrentMember.get('End date')) ) - DateDiffWorkdays( DateWithoutTime([Sprint].CurrentMember.get('Start date')), [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.StartDate) ) / DateDiffWorkdays( DateWithoutTime([Sprint].CurrentMember.get('Start date')), DateWithoutTime([Sprint].CurrentMember.get('End date')) ) END
The formula above uses another calculated measure Sprint Remaining Estimates committed counting planned remaining time at sprint start:
( [Measures].[Remaining estimated hours added], [Transition Field].[Sprint status], [Sprint Status].[Active], -- An issue was in a sprint at a sprint start time [Issue Sprint Status Change].[Future => Active] )
On rows, there is Time dimension with Day level selected from All hierarchy level members. To display only days that are within Sprint, select Time within Sprint calculated measure from Measures dimension Calculated members / Other properties (this measure should be added when importing Sprint custom field as dimension).
Put Sprint dimension on pages and select a particular sprint you are interested in. Now Time within Sprint should show 1 for those dates which are within selected sprint start and end dates.
Click on Time within Sprint column header and select Filter rows and add condition > 0 (after that you should see just days within a sprint).
Now you can click on Time within Sprint column header and select Remove – column will be removed but condition will remain.
The report uses Timeline chart with these formatting options for individual measures. Access formatting options by clicking on the icon next to each measure:
- Hours spent - color blue, type column
- Cumulative hours spent - color dark blue, type spline
- Remaining estimated hours history - color violet, type spline
- Sprint estimated guideline - color grey, type dash line