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Videos: data visualizations

The videos on this page explain how to visualize reports and charts, starting from chart views and some additional tips and tricks.

The documentation also describes those topics: Conditional cell formatting, Create chartsCustomize chart,  Charts conditional formatting.

Gauge chart

Time required: 5min

Gauge charts allow displaying progress towards a goal in a simple and effective way.  Get to know how to set up a Gauge chart and represent this information in a colorful gauge or bright values only.

Welcome to this tutorial on how to create and use Gauge charts!

Gauge charts are handy to get critical information at a glance. Imagine you want to display the current week due issue progress on a monitor hanging in the developers' room. The chart would be bright red if none of them are done and get lighter when less unresolved issues remain. Let’s put the report together.

Remember starting with a table report. In rows, select your project and then choose the right measures. You need two of them. Select “Issues with due date” to show all issues with a deadline in the selected period and “Issues due” that shows only the unresolved ones. Those measures, together with the Time dimension, count issues by their due date. In Pages, select the Time dimension member that shows this week. You may choose a particular week member and change it every week or, more recommended, select a calculated member Current week that always automatically retrieves the current week’s member.

Now switch to the Gauge chart. By default, each measure is represented by a separate gauge. To customize them, click on Issues due and select the Gauge limit. Limits can be hardcoded or defined by another measure. Everything is OK if there are zero unresolved issues for this week. Select a nice color to represent it. The situation is critical - red! - when none of the planned issues are resolved or, in other words, if the value of Issues due is the same as the value for Issues with due date. Apply the limits, and now we can see only one gauge, and it shows that, well, work is in progress. As usual, save the report!

What happens if you have more projects in the report rows? There would be a separate Gauge for each of them. You can set different limits for each project. Click on the value right under the gauge for project Alpha to define how colors should appear in this gauge. Always pay attention to what value or value combination you are defining those limits! Project Beta still would have the same coloring pattern as set for the measure Issues due previously. 

Sometimes you may want to display the information as big bright numbers only, without any visual noise. Click on Only values - and now everyone in the room can see how many unresolved tickets are left for the week in each project. The same as for graphical gauge, you can set Gauge limits and colors.

Before wrapping up this episode, let’s have a quick quiz.

1. How can the information be displayed in the Gauge chart?

  • as a gauge

  • as a gauge or a text only

  • as a text only

2. If you have several projects represented in the report, how can you set limits?

  • only for each project separately

  • only the same limits for all projects

  • you can set limits as you need.

In this video, we learned how to to display data as a colorful gauge or big bright numbers, using Gauge chart options! Discover more in eazyBI documentation or community and see you in next video!

Scatter and Bubble chart

Time required: 5min

To display relationships between two or more metrics, use a Scatter chart and bubbles in a Line chart. Get to know how to set up them and how to mix different chart types together also when analyzing relationships between measures. 


In this video tutorial, we will explore the scatter chart possibilities and how to configure it.

scatter chart can be used to display the relationships between two different measures. Each dot in the chart represents both of the measures, one on theand another on the Y-axis

We will create two complementary reports. The first report is going to show a relationship on how long it takes for issues to be resolved over time. The bubbles in the second report answers the question of how the issue average resolution time relates to the number of resolved issues.

Let’s start report creation. In Rows, we select the Issue dimension.  For the scatter chart, only numeric or date values can be displayed on axes, and we need two measures to represent the relationship. First, we select the measure Average resolution days. It shows how many days it took for the issues to be resolved. For the second measure, we choose the issue property Issue resolution date to show the date when the issue was resolved. As a property, the values will appear when we expand to issue level in rows. To filter issues by resolution date, add the Time dimension in Pages and choose 2019. Now we can display particular issues in the report rows.

When we switch to the scatter chart we see the result. We can change which measure is being used on the x and y-axis. Now the dots represent resolved issues in each time period with their resolution days on the y-axis. Save the report!

If we have just two measures, all the dots are the same size. We can add a third measure, Hours spent, to show bubbles instead of dots. The size of the bubble characterizes each dot by this measure.

Now, let’s create another report to see what is the trend of average resolution days and how many issues have been resolved over time. Start by creating a report with the Time dimension Month level in rows. Also, add this dimension to Pages for filtering.

To create a bubble chart we again need two measures. In this case we are choosing Issues resolved and Average resolution days from Measures. Using a standard calculation, add a trend line of average resolution daysNow switch to Line chart. The trendline is already in place. Click on Average resolution days and choose type - bubble. This action creates a bubble based on the measure next to it, in our case - Issues resolved. Together with the Time dimension, they are grouped automatically by the resolution date. Save the report!

Now you can add both reports in one dashboard so they complement each other!

Before the summary of this episode, let’s have a quick quiz.

1.How many measures do you need to start creating a scatter chart?

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

2. What measure types can be used for scatter charts? (multiple answers)

  • numeric

  • date

  • string

In this video, we learned how to set up a scatter chart, bubble chart, and mix some charts together.

See you in the other videos!

Map chart

Time required: 5min

In this training episode, learn how to set up a map chart using geographical coordinates or codes of states/countries to visualize report data on maps.


Welcome to this tutorial, in which we will demonstrate how to create a map chart in eazyBI.

eazyBI has two different map charts - static and dynamic. The difference between them is how the data is represented and what input data is needed for configuration.

Let’s start with a static map chart. The static map chart shows countries in the world, and the color intensity represents the measure's volume.

To create a static map chart, add a dimension that contains the country name or ISO 2 letter code in Rows. If you use country names, make sure that their variations are recognized in the map chart by eazyBI. Together with the first measure in the table, it will generate a static map chart. Countries with higher values are darker, and countries with lower values - lighter. If another data is added to the table view for each country, then the information will be visible by hovering on the country. The world is large, and you may want to focus on one particular region. For example, select Europe to zoom in and show only countries from Europe. For some countries, regional maps are available to explore data even in a more detailed view.

Now let’s see how to configure a dynamic map chart. A dynamic map is created based on coordinates, so it would show precise dots on the map. To create a dynamic map chart, use dimensions containing objects with two properties - latitude and longitude in the report table. The order is essential to place coordinates correctly - the first column should hold value for latitude and the second for longitude. Add other measures as following columns. It gives the report context and allows filtering data. In the Map chart, switch to OpenStreetMap to get a dynamic map. Zoom in to see where the dots are based on your coordinates. In a dynamic map chart, you can see all the information from the table view about this location by hovering over the dot on the map.

A little quiz before we wrap up!

1.What data do you need to create a static map chart? (multiple answers are possible)

  • country name

  • continents

  • iso two-letter code

2.What is the correct order in the table to create a dynamic map chart?

  • first latitude, then longitude

  • first longitude then latitude

3.What data can be seen in the map chart when hoovering on the country or coordinates?

  • only measure to create a map

  • all information from the table

For map charts to look good, the most important part is to have the correct data set for map creation! For static map - ISO 2 letter codes or country names, for dynamic - geographical coordinates!

See you in other videos!

Gantt and Bar/Range chart

Time Required7min

Learn how to illustrate scheduled tasks and their progress on the timeline, using a Gantt chart or range in a Bar chart. During the episode, get to know how to create from a scratch a simple calculated measure to track the progress of the task.


Hi! Today we will talk about Gantt charts. Gantt charts show activities on tasks in time and their completion status.

In eazyBI, you can display such information using default Gantt charts, or customized Bar charts. Let’s create a Gantt chart showing epics progress based on how many of their issues are resolved. For those not familiar with the term “epics,”: they are just bigger tasks split into smaller tasks, usually called stories.

To create a Gantt chart, you need a dimension that represents tasks with their start and end dates. In rows, add epics from the Issue dimension Epic hierarchy. The issue creation date can be a good start date. Add Issue due date or another planned date as an end date. The first date column is always treated as the start date, the second- as the end date. The names of the selected measures are not important!

To create a basic Gantt chart, this information is enough. Select a time scale - daily to yearly - or trust automatic width selection to include all bars in the view! All epics are shown grey as a group of tasks, while each particular task is shown blue as there is no information about the task progress.

To get more information in the report, add the completion rate or progress. Let’s create a new measure together: go to Measures and click Define new report specific measure.

For epics, the completion rate could be the number of resolved issues divided by all created issues. Use autocomplete to select measures! If the issue is not resolved yet, substitute Issues resolved value with zero. To avoid dividing by zero, a mathematically illegal operation, add CASE WHEN construction: only when there are created issues, calculate the percentage. The result would be a decimal value between 0 and 1: set to show this value as a decimal percentage.

Now, select this newly created measure in columns. Value is calculated at each level: in a single issue level, value is either 0% for not completed or 100% for completed issues. The real percentage would appear at the epic level as it takes into account all epic stories and subtasks, as well as the epic issue itself. 

Now switch to the Gantt chart again: there are more colors. Green color shows completed tasks, red - not completed overdue tasks. Notice the yellow line - it always shows today!

You can add more measures and properties in the columns. Let’s add information about issue type and average resolution days!  Added in the table after the start, end date, and completion rate, they do not affect the chart but appear in the report as additional columns and on a mouse-hover in the chart! Now your Gantt is ready, save it!

There are situations when you want to create a chart focusing on milestones rather than on completion rates. While adding milestones is not possible in the Gantt chart, you may use the Bar chart instead. Go back to the table and modify the same report setup: add Resolution date as a milestone and remove other measures. Start and end dates still have to be side by side, and the milestone would follow. 

Switch to the Bar chart. To create a bar between the start and end dates, click on the start date and select the chart type rangeA range between this and the next measure is drawn. Other added date properties - resolution date in our case - are shown as scatter points. 

In the Bar chart, you may change colors and do other customizations. For instance, add a data label for the milestone to show the exact date. Don’t forget to Save this report!

Now you may add those two reports to the same dashboard to tell the whole story of the progress of tasks!

Before we go, let’s have a quick quiz.

1.How are the start and end dates of the tasks distinct in the Gantt chart?

  • by measure names, they should contain “start” and “end” in their naming

  • by the position: start date should be the first date column, end date should follow

  • there is no need for start and end dates in the Gantt chart

2. Which other chart type can be used to get Gantt-like reports?

  • Bar chart with type “range.”

  • Timeline

  • None

To summarize, in eazyBI, you can use the default Gantt chart and customize the Bar chart to create project progress reports.

See you in other videos!

Paint With Your Data in eazyBI

Time required: 20 minutes

Create nice-looking and insightful reports in eazyBI using improved features–cell formatting, sparklines, and others. Use them wisely and your reports may become pieces of art with different layers of information. 

Slides: Paint-With-Your-Data-in-eazyBI.pdf

Data visualization: How to pick the right chart type

Time required: 30 minutes

How to turn your numbers into knowledge? Your job is not only to separate noise from the data but also to present it the right way. How do you choose the right chart type and how to use different charts effectively? The do’s and don’ts or data visualization. 

See also a blog post on this topic: How to Pick the Right Chart Type?

Slides: 21-data-visualization.pdf


How to Lie With Reports: Tips to Improve Your Data Literacy

Time required: 30 minutes

Information can be easily manipulated. How to read, understand, create, and communicate data correctly, to avoid misinterpretation and bad decisions. 

Slides: How to Lie With Charts.pdf

Build Smart and Nice-Looking Reports

Time required: 1 h 20 minutes

Learn how to build different report types using eazyBI built-in features and custom MDX calculations: guidelines, trend lines, burn ups and burn downs, statistical reports, efficiency reports, progress bars, and more; and make visually appealing and informative dashboards. Training will be use case based and designated to all eazyBI report builders.

Custom Drill Through Issues Report

Time required: 8 minutes

Learn how to drill into report results and how to create an overview and detailed report in one.

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