The Mod function in MDX returns the remainder of a division operation. It helps calculate residuals or apply conditions based on divisibility.
Mod(Numeric_Expression, Integer)
Numeric_Expression | MDX expression that returns a numeric value (the dividend) |
Integer | MDX expression that returns an integer value (the divisor). This value must not be zero. |
Determine if an issue key is even or odd
The following example checks if a row in the report is odd or even by using the remainder when divided by 2. This can be used in scenarios to highlight the report rows. This formula uses Rank to identify the row index in the report first and then uses it to set Even or Odd. Then, using the cell formatting, the color can be added to the Even or Odd row.
CASE WHEN Mod( Rank( CurrentTuple(VisibleRowsSet()).Item(0), Generate( VisibleRowsSet(), CurrentTuple(VisibleRowsSet()).Item(0) ) ), 2) = 0 THEN "Even" ELSE "Odd" END
Assign the Groups based on the remainder
The following example applies a Group based on the Issue Key remainder when divided by 3.
CASE WHEN Mod(Val(ExtractString([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key, '.*-(\d+)', 1)), 3) = 0 THEN "Group 1" WHEN Mod(Val(ExtractString([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.Key, '.*-(\d+)', 1)), 3) = 1 THEN "Group 2" ELSE "Group 3" END
Assign the discounts based on the remainder
The following example applies a discount % based on the Unit Sales remainder when divided by 4.
CASE WHEN Mod([Measures].[Unit Sales], 4) = 0 THEN 10 -- 10% discount WHEN Mod([Measures].[Unit Sales], 4) = 1 THEN 5 -- 5% discount WHEN Mod([Measures].[Unit Sales], 4) = 2 THEN 15 -- 15% discount ELSE 20 -- 20% discount for remainder 3 END
Determine if the Year is Leap Year
The following example determines whether the year is a Leap Year. For this calculation to work, the Time dimension should be selected in the Rows, and the Hierarchy Level Year should be selected.
CASE WHEN (Mod(Cast([Time].CurrentMember.Name AS Numeric), 4) = 0 AND Mod(Cast([Time].CurrentMember.Name AS Numeric), 100) <> 0) OR (Mod(Cast([Time].CurrentMember.Name AS Numeric), 400) = 0) THEN "Leap Year" ELSE "Not a Leap Year" END
See also
- Function CASE WHEN
- Function VisibleRowsSet
- Function CurrentTuple
- Function Cast