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A tuple is a collection of member(s) with the restriction that only one member in the tuple can be from the same dimension. A tuple uniquely identifies a slice of data from a cube, and it represents a single data cell if all dimensions are represented.


(Member_expression [ ,Member_expression ... ])



MDX expression that returns a member. Each member in the tuple must come from a different dimension.


Tuples can be useful when creating new calculated measures to calculate results for a specific set of members from dimensions, even if dimensions are not used in the report context directly (rows/pages/columns).

There are several ways to create reports with tuples. For example, to compare the results from the filtered report context with results from a specific set.

Count of High priority Bugs created

The Issues created measure, in this example, would calculate the Issues created value for Issue type dimension member Bug and Priority dimension member High regardless of the report context (other dimensions used as filters).

  [Issue Type].[Bug],
  [Measures].[Issues created]

Count of Highest & high priority Bugs resolved

The Issues resolved measure, in this example, would calculate the Issues resolved value for Issue type dimension member Bug and a calculated member from "Priority" dimension that aggregates two priorities "High" and "Highest".

  [Issue Type].[Bug],
  [Priority].[High & Highest], --calculated member in the Priority dimension
  [Measures].[Issues resolved]

Bugs created percentage of all issues

This MDX formula calculates the percentage of bug issues created relative to the total number of issues created. To display the result as a percentage, use the measure formatting ##.##% Decimal percentage. The formula is designed to ignore any Issue Type selections in the report context:

  1. The first tuple explicitly specifies the Bug type.
  2. The second tuple uses the .CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember function, representing the default or all members, ensuring the total count is considered.
  [Measures].[Issues created],
  [Issue Type].[Bug]
  [Measures].[Issues created],
  [Issue Type].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember

Percentage of issues created by Issue type

Use this formula with the Issue Type dimension in your report context (by adding it to Rows, Pages, or Columns). The numerator, [Measures].[Issues created], represents the number of issues created for the current context, which is a specific issue type selected in the report. This value is divided by the total number of issues created across all issue types. This formula is useful for analyzing the distribution of created issues across different issue types. To display the result as a percentage, apply the measure formatting ##.##% Decimal percentage.

[Measures].[Issues created],
  [Measures].[Issues created],
  [Issue Type].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember

Hours spent on assigned issues

This MDX formula is designed to show the hours spent by a user on issues where they are both the assignee and the person logging the work.

 [Measures].[Hours spent],
 [Logged by].[User].GetMemberByKey(

See the example report Logged hours by user on assigned and unassigned issues in our demo account. The measure Hours spent on assigned issues use the formula above.

See also