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Customize reports

You can try out some options for report result configuration in the report results toolbar - maximize report area [1], undo & redo buttons [2] as well as adding report description [3], and hide empty rows and columns without values [4]. You can add the bottom row and far-right column with the aggregated Total value [5].

Undo and redo changes

While editing the report, do not be afraid to make changes. Before saving, you can undo or reduce the last changes before saving the report.

Total and sub-total

You can use the Total [1] feature to quickly get the aggregated results of rows and columns at the bottom (for rows) and in the last column (for columns). In most cases, this will do the job. However, some measures are more complex and represent calculated values (like average, max, conditional statements, or specific properties), so you might need to force the Total row behavior with annotation in the formula editor to calculate the sum of results.

If you expect other functions but Sum, we recommend using hierarchy levels or calculated members to get total or sub-total values [2] for the particular calculation. You can expand [3] the hierarchy levels and see results calculated at each row.

Change row dimension headers

You may add or change a header on columns containing row dimension members [1]. Choose to display the dimension name as a header, or edit and enter a custom display text. 

Headers of measures can't be changed from the report view [2]. You may change the name of the measure itself (it would affect all reports where the measure is used) or create a new measure (or calculated member for other dimensions) with the needed name and then use it instead of originally selected.

Vertical column headers

It is possible to change the table report to show the column headers vertically. The option of the vertical header will appear automatically when the report width exceeds the size of the report design dashboard area, and the horizontal scrollbar will show up.

The “Vertical header” button will show up, and you can turn on the report to show the lowest level column headers vertically.