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Count of updated worklogs by worklog period
eazyBI for Jira

This calculated custom field will count the user worklogs that were updated (after they were created) by the original worklog author. It will be mapped to "Time" and "Logged by" dimensions, and you can use the measure "Updated wl count per wl date" to analyze the count of updated (at any time) worklogs for worklogs in the given report period and users from "Logged by" dimension.

For example, if a Jira user creates a worklog on Dec 1, 2024 for the same day where they log 1h, and on the next day user updates the worklog to 2h, this field will return result 1 for Dec 1, 2024 for this user from "Logged by" dimension.

Account-specific calculated field

Account specific calculated fields are defined in Source Data → Import options.

Note the commented lines in the Javascript code that you must change depending on whether you use eazyBI for the Jira Cloud or the Data Center version.

Settings for the new field

Internal name


Display nameUpdated wl count per wl date
Data type



Additional advanced settings
measure = true
multiple_dimensions = ["Time", "Logged by"]

Custom JavaScript code:

var wlogarray = new Array();
if (issue.fields.worklog && issue.fields.worklog.worklogs && issue.fields.worklog.worklogs.length > 0) {
  var wlogs = issue.fields.worklog.worklogs;
  for (var i = 0; i < wlogs.length; i++) {
    var wlog = wlogs[i];
      if (wlog.created != wlog.updated && { 

		//suits eazyBI for Jira DC
        //wlogarray.push(wlog.started.substr(0,10) + "," + + "," + 1);

		//suits eazyBI for Jira Cloud
		if({ //for worklog authors that are not hidden
			wlogarray.push(wlog.started.substr(0,10) + "," + + "," + 1);

return wlogarray.join("\n");

Global calculated field

Global calculated fields are defined in eazyBI advanced settings.

Here are the settings for the new field definitions. You should insert the JavaScript (the code given above) below the line // Insert here the Custom JavaScript codeKeep the opening and closing quotation marks. ''', do not delete them.

name = "Due date changes by time"
data_type = "integer"
measure = true
multiple_dimensions = ["Time", "Logged by"]
javascript_code = '''
// Insert here the Custom JavaScript code