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Add standard calculations

When you have selected some numerical measure for a report, you can select Add calculated to add some standard calculations based on the chosen measure and visible data in the report.

  • Statistical calculations return the Average, Median, Min, Max value of all values on report rows.
  • Calculate a % of total value from the sum of all rows. 
  • The cumulative sum has an option to add values either with or without empty values in any row for this measure. 
  • The linear trend generates a straight line representing the trend for this measure on visible rows. 
  • Time ago calculations work with the Time dimension on Rows on a particular level (Month, Week, Day). You can analyze Time on Rows compared to Previous Period (works dynamically for any selected time level), Month ago (pulls in values month ago, suited for Day level), Year ago (pulls in values from a year ago for any selected time level). You can pull in values of the period, compare changes, or changes %  to the selected period back in time. 
  • Sparklines make the table more informative by visualizing compared values with bars or giving a quick overview of the measure changes over time. Make sure to choose the Sparkline formatting that best represents your data. To change the color of the Sparkline, choose the text or background color in the cell formatting of the Sparkline column.
  • Standard calculation Empty as 0 could be used for cases when there are no values in measure and you would like to treat those values as 0.

When you select to add a calculated measure, for example, add calculated % of total, then eazyBI creates an additional column with the calculated percentage for each row from the total value in the all visible report rows; this new calculated measure is report-specific and will not be available for other reports.

See short video how to add sparklines