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Time to SLA
eazyBI for Jira

Time to SLA is a service-level agreement (SLA) tracking app for all Atlassian Jira applications.

Time to SLA custom field import is available on Cloud and since eazyBI version 7.1.

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Time to SLA data import

Data import in Data Center

Time to SLA fields are available in the eazyBI Jira import options Add-ons tab once you have installed the app and set up the SLAs.

Data import in Cloud

To enable Time to SLA data import in Cloud, please generate a Time to SLA API Token to grant eazyBI access to the SLA data:

  1. In Jira Cloud, go to the Apps → Time to SLA → Settings → API Token section and create a new API Token. The API Token should be generated by a user with Jira administrator rights.
  2. In eazyBI, Jira import options Add-ons tab, you will see the Time to SLA section. Enter the generated API Token.

Select fields for import

Selected SLA custom fields you would like to analyze from Time to SLA Custom fields selection, for example, Time to first response, Time to resolution. eazyBI will create a set of dimensions, measures, and properties for each selected SLA during data import.


After data import, for each SLA metric, a separate set of dimensions and measures will be created. SLA corresponds to the name of the imported SLA metric:

SLA State

Shows SLA status: RunningPaused, or Completed. If the SLA is not applicable to the issue, then the value is (none).

SLA State is assigned to each SLA cycle of the issue. It shows the state of a current (ongoing) SLA cycle or completed cycles. Some measures are imported for completed cycles only.

SLA Breached

Shows if the issue SLA cycle was or was not breached – Breached or Not breached (or (none) if not applicable).

SLA Breached is assigned to each SLA cycle of the issue and, according to the used measure, shows if the current (ongoing) or last cycle is breached or not, or if the completed historical cycles are breached or not.


SLA Issues

SLA Issues measure shows the total number of issues with the corresponding SLA information.
Using this measure, issues are counted by their current or last SLA cycle.

Issues with an ongoing SLA cycle with SLA State Running or Paused are not assigned to any Time dimension period. 

SLA Elapsed hours

The measure SLA Elapsed hours shows the total amount of elapsed hours for all completed SLA cycles. The measure is assigned to the Time dimension period when the last SLA cycle was completed.

SLA Completed cycles issues count

The measure SLA Completed cycles issues count shows the unique count of issues with completed cycles. The measure is assigned to the Time dimension period when the last SLA cycle was completed.

SLA Remaining hours

The measure SLA Remaining hours shows the duration in hours left until the SLA would have been breached for all completed SLA cycles. The measure is assigned to the Time dimension period when the last SLA cycle was completed.

SLA Paused hours

The measure SLA Paused hours shows the total duration in hours the SLA was paused for all completed SLA cycles. The measure is assigned to the Time dimension period when the last SLA cycle was completed.

SLA Breached hours

The measure SLA Breached hours shows the total duration in hours the SLA was in a breached state until cycle completion for all completed SLA cycles. The measure is assigned to the Time dimension period when the last SLA cycle was completed.

SLA calculated measures

It is recommended to use the default calculated measures which are created for each imported SLA. SLA calculated measures will be mapped in time by cycle completion date. Measures show correct results for completed cycles only.

SLA - Met

A number of issues that have not breached SLA (SLA Issues with the SLA Breached value Not breached).

SLA - Breached

A number of issues that have breached SLA (SLA Issues with the SLA Breached value Breached).

SLA - Met %

Percentage of issues that have not breached SLA.

SLA - Breached %

Percentage of issues that have breached SLA.

SLA - Average hours

Shows the average of elapsed hours for all issues with completed SLA cycles (as SLA Elapsed hours divided by SLA Completed cycles issues count).


Issue SLA State

The property Issue SLA State shows the current SLA status for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) – Running, Paused, or Completed.

Issue SLA Breached

The property Issue SLA Breached shows the current SLA breached / not breached status for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) – Breached or Not breached (or empty if not applicable).

Issue SLA Start date

The property Issue SLA Start date shows the SLA start date if the SLA has started.

Issue SLA End date

The property Issue SLA End date shows the SLA end date if the SLA has a completed cycle.

Issue SLA Target date

The property Issue SLA Target date shows the target date to meet the SLA if the SLA has started.

Issue SLA Elapsed hours

The property Issue SLA Elapsed hours for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) shows the information of the last completed SLA cycle as a string with comma-separated values – when the last cycle was completed if it breached or didn't breach SLA, and the total of elapsed hours for all cycles.

Issue SLA Remaining hours

The property Issue SLA Remaining hours for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) shows the information of the last completed SLA cycle as a string with comma-separated values – when the last cycle was completed if it breached or didn't breach SLA, and the total of remaining hours for all cycles.

Issue SLA Paused hours

The property Issue SLA Paused hours for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) shows the information of the last completed SLA cycle as a string with comma-separated values – when the last cycle was completed if it breached or didn't breach SLA, and the total of paused hours for all cycles.

Issue SLA Breached hours

The property Issue SLA Breached hours for individual issues (detailed Issue dimension members) shows the information of the last completed SLA cycle as a string with comma-separated values – when the last cycle was completed if it breached or didn't breach SLA, and the total of breached hours for all cycles.

Reporting on current or historical SLA data

For one issue, there might be several SLA cycles in different states (some completed and one ongoing) having different breached / not breached results. 

If the reporting must be done by the issue latest or current SLA cycle results, then the SLA Issues measure should be used in the report together with SLA State or SLA Breached dimensions - then issues are counted by their current SLA status or whether the latest / current SLA cycle was or was not breached.

When measures SLA Elapsed hours, SLA Completed cycles, SLA Completed cycles issues count are used in the report, then they are always calculated from the issue all historical completed cycles  (as these measures are stored just for completed SLA cycles). Also, these measures will be assigned to the historical value in the Assignee dimension (who was the assignee of the issue when the corresponding SLA cycle was completed). The historical assignee will be assigned only if the Import issue change history import option is selected.

Sample reports

If you selected the Import sample reports option, additional sample reports are created in the Samples Time to SLA folder. For each selected SLA, eazyBI creates two sample reports. Please try these reports to see which measures would suit your specific needs. If you want to customize some reports, save them and change the name (as the default sample reports are overwritten during each Jira import).