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Oomnitza is cloud-based helpdesk software that manages the lifecycle of technology portfolio assets, from onboarding to end of life. Oomnitza consolidates asset data from existing disconnected silos for endpoints, applications, Cloud, networking, and accessories.  

eazyBI extends the Oomnitza reporting suite with an advanced, easy-to-use, and flexible visualization, analysis, and reporting. You can create an eazyBI account and perform your first import in minutes. Regular daily updates import data automatically, so your charts will always have the latest data. We have several predefined sample reports and charts, and a dashboard to get you started. You can easily create custom reports, charts, and dashboards for your specific needs.

eazyBI imports and allows data analysis for Assets, People (Users), and Locations

Contact Oomnitza sales manager to enable eazyBI integration

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eazyBI imports this default set of dimensions:

Non-archived assets grouped by asset type works with any asset measure and property
UserUsers from section People works with any user measure and property
Represent location itself and assets, users by location. Works with any asset and user measure works with locations measures and properties
Created byUsers who created assets, users, and locations. Works with any asset, user, and location measures
Changed by
Users who made the latest update in assets, users, and locations. Works with any asset, user, and location measures
Asset Type

Represents Asset Type 

Located in section Asset and works with asset measures only

Asset Status

Represents the status of the asset.

Located in section Asset and works with asset measures only

Asset Assigned to

Represents the user an asset is assigned to.

Located in section Asset and works with asset measures only

User Role

Represents the role of the user.

Located in section User and works with user measures only

Asset Transition StatusAll statuses that appear in transitions (the same statuses as in the Asset Status dimension)
Asset TransitionAll individual transitions with names in the format “From status => To status

Asset measures and properties

Set of measures that are imported based on Asset data and work primarily with Asset dimensions and common dimensions, like Location, Created by, Changed by.  

Assets created

Measure counts assets on a timeline based on Asset creation date

Assets changedMeasure counts assets on a timeline based on the last date when the asset was changed

Transitions to asset status

How many times during the selected Time dimension period asset has been transitioned to the status that is selected in the Asset Transition Status dimension (or only transitions that are selected in the Asset Transition dimension). Also, first, asset status will be counted in this measure on the asset creation date.

If you would like to see a distinct (unique) count of assets for these transitions then use Assets with transitions to status measure

Transitions from asset status

How many times during the selected Time dimension period asset has been transitioned from the status that is selected in the Asset Transition Status dimension to different status (or only transitions that are selected in the Asset Transition dimension)

If you would like to see a distinct (unique) count of assets for these transitions then use Assets with transitions from status measure

Assets with transitions to statusHow many (unique) assets have transitioned to the selected status in Asset Transition Status dimension (or only transitions that are selected in Asset Transition dimension) during the period chosen in Time dimension
Assets with transitions from status

How many (unique) assets have transitioned from selected status in Asset Transition Status dimension (or only transitions that are selected in Asset Transition dimension) during the period chosen in Time dimension

Hours in transition status

Hidden measure

How many hours asset has stayed in status from Asset Transition status dimension. It is calculated when an asset is transitioned from this status (when the Transitions from asset status measure is recorded) and will be shown on Time dimension on the date when the transition from this status happened.

Use Average days in transition status calculated measure when you are analyzing totals of many assets

Asset Created DateAsset property represents a date when an asset was created
Asset Changed DateAsset property represents a date when an asset was last changed
Asset Created ByAsset property represents a user who created an asset
Asset Changed ByAsset property represents a user who last changed an asset
Asset Assigned ToAsset property represents a user who is currently assigned to an asset
Asset TypeAsset property represents a type of an asset
Asset LocationAsset property represents a location of an asset
Asset StatusAsset property represents a current status of an asset
Asset TagAsset property represents a tag of an asset

User measures and properties

Set of measures and properties that are imported based on User data and work with dimension User, and common dimensions, like Created by, Changed by.   

Users created

Measure counts users on a timeline based on user creation date

Users changedMeasure counts user on a timeline based on the last date when the data for a user was changed
User Created DateUser property represents a date when a user was created
User Changed DateUser property represents a date when user data was last changed
User Created ByUser property represents a user who created a user
User Changed ByUser property represents a user who last changed user
User roleUser property represents the role of the user
Current usernameUser property represents the username of the user. Could be used with function CurrentUser()

Location measures and properties

Set of measures and properties that are imported based on Location data and work with dimension Location, and common dimensions, like Created by, Changed by.   

Locations created

Measure counts users on a timeline based on location creation date

Locations changedMeasure counts user on a timeline based on the last date when the data for the location was changed
Location Created DateLocation property represents a date when a location was created
Location Changed DateLocation property represents a date when location data was last changed
Location Created ByLocation property represents a user who created a location
Location Changed ByLocation property represents a user who last changed a location
Location LatitudeLocation property represents a coordinate latitude value to show location on a map
Location LongitudeLocation property represents a coordinate longitude value to show location on a map

Asset calculated measures

Assets in transition status

How many assets at the end of the selected Time dimension period are in a status that is selected in the Asset Transition Status dimension (calculated as Asset Transitions to status minus Asset Transitions from status from the beginning of time until the end of the selected Time period)

Average days in transition status

Average days that asset stayed in the status that is selected in the Asset Transition status dimension. It is calculated when an asset is transitioned from this status (when the Asset Transitions from status measure is recorded) and will be shown on the Time dimension on the date when the transition from this status happened

Transition to asset status first dateShows the date and time when the first transition to the corresponding Asset Transition Status (or the selected Asset Transition) was performed
Transition to asset status last dateShows the date and time when the last transition to the corresponding Asset Transition Status (or the selected Asset Transition) was performed
Transition from asset status first dateShows the date and time when the first transition from the corresponding Asset Transition Status (or the selected Asset Transition) was performed
Transition from asset status last dateShows the date and time when the last transition from the corresponding Asset Transition Status (or the selected Asset Transition) was performed

Custom field data import

You can select additional custom fields for import. The list of all available custom fields will show for selection grouped by sections Assets, Users, and Locations. Custom fields with checkbox, dropdown type, user list, location can be imported as additional dimensions. Numeric, and date custom fields can be imported as additional measures. All custom fields can be imported as properties for related dimensions. They will be grouped in sections ending with properties (Asset properties, User Properties, Location properties). 

Numeric custom fields can be imported as measures and property. The measure will have a name ending Custom number sum. It will be represented on a timeline mapped with the asset creation date.  For example, the custom field Purchase Price imported for Asset will be located in the section Asset with the name Asset Purchase Price sum. It also will have property located in Assets Properties with the name Asset Purchase Price.

Date custom field can be imported as a measure and will create a measure ending with custom date. It counts entities with value in this date on the timeline mapped by the date value. For example, the custom field Purchase date imported for Asset will be located in the section Asset with a name Assets with Purchase Date. It also will have property located in Assets Properties with a name Asset Purchase Date.

checkbox, dropdown type, user list, location fields can be imported as dimensions. Use them in reports for filters or to split data with measures. For example, if you have a drop-down selection custom field Model for Assets then you can import it as a dimension. You will be able to create reports by Asset Model dimension as well as you will have Asset property Asset Model.

Use custom dimensions in the report to split data by any measure. For example, Use dimension Time on Rows, dimension Asset model on Columns, and measure Assets with purchase date on Columns. This report will show assets by purchase date on a timeline split by asset model.

If you need additional help with custom field import then please contact eazyBI support and describe your needs.

Additional import options

eazyBI by default will import data on daily basis since taking into account the last successful import run. You can set daily imports at a specified time as well or disable regular imports.

eazyBI will import data based on the specified timezone. For reporting on workdays/weekends set the correct non-working days. For weekly reporting set the first day of the week. 

eazyBI will import a set of sample reports by default. The option can be disabled and the default set of reports will be deleted.

Using in Oomnitza dashboards

Use sample reports or create new custom reports and charts. Organize sample and custom reports in eazyBI dashboards. Publish eazyBI dashboards in the Oomnitza dashboard to access the key reports in instant. Create a new Oomnitza dashboard and select the dashboard type eazyBI. Select the account and the dashboard you would like to see and save results.