Xray Test Plan overview matrix
eazyBI for Jira
The following report examples are based on Xray Test Management integration.
Xray Test Plan overview matrix represents the test, test run, and defect summary for each Test Plan that started 6 months ago.
How to build it
Before creating the report, you should import the Test Plan's Begin date and End date as properties; those dates are used in the report to represent and filter data.
If you have a Cloud instance, you might need to create a calculated measure showing the Test Plan Begin date and Test Plane End date.
-- annotations.group=Xray User defined [Xray Test Plan].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Begin Date')
-- annotations.group=Xray User defined [Xray Test Plan].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('End Date')
This report has Xray Test Plan dimensions on rows and pages, allowing you to filter report data by a specific Test Plan, Board, or Project. On rows, select the Plan level.
In columns, there are many measures describing each Test Plan.
- Select the properties Test Plan Begin date and Test Plan End date either imported by eazyBI or just created by you (on Cloud).
For both dates, apply the conditional cell formatting to color-code Test Plans that have already been completed and whose End Date is in the past. Choose the option with a custom formula value and assign a color for each status. The formula:CASE WHEN DateCompare( [Xray Test Plan].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('End Date'), DateParse("today") ) < 0 THEN "TP in past" END
- Filter rows by Test Plan Start date; choose the option
and enter a relative period like6 months ago
to run the report for a limited time frame. - Xray Tests created is a default eazyBI measure for Xray that represents the count of Tests assigned to the Test Plan.
In the table view, click on the measure header and choose to Drill into → Xray → Xray Test Type → All Xray Test Types to see the total and split test count by their type (Manual, Cucumber, Generic, etc.). - Xray Test Runs is a default eazyBI measure for Xray that represents the how many times Tests from Test Plan were included in Test Executions.
In the table view, click on the measure header and choose to Drill into → Xray → Xray Test Run Status → Status to split test runs by their results.
You can apply the conditional cell formatting for each execution status to color-code and highlight columns with values. Choose the option Range. - Xray Tests defect count is a default eazyBI measure for Xray and represents the number of defects found during the testing (defects should be linked during testing from the test executions screen).
In the table view, click on the measure header and choose to Drill into → Xray → Xray Defect Status → Category to split defects by their actual status.
You can apply the conditional cell formatting for each status to color-code and highlight columns with values. Choose the option Range.
You may also copy and import the report definition into your eazyBI account to get this report together with all calculated measures:
{ "cube_name": "Issues", "cube_reports": [ { "name": "Test Pland overview matrix", "result_view": "table", "definition": {"columns":{"dimensions":[{"name":"Measures","selected_set":["[Measures].[Test Plan Begin date]","[Measures].[Test Plan End date]","[Measures].[Xray Tests created]","[Measures].[Xray Test Runs]","[Measures].[Xray Tests defect count]"],"members":[{"depth":0,"full_name":"[Measures].[Test Plan Begin date]","format_string":"mmm dd yyyy","report_specific":true,"name":"Test Plan Begin date","calculated":true},{"depth":0,"full_name":"[Measures].[Test Plan End date]","format_string":"mmm dd yyyy","report_specific":true,"name":"Test Plan End date","calculated":true},{"depth":0,"name":"Xray Tests created","full_name":"[Measures].[Xray Tests created]","format_string":"#,##0","annotations":{"group":"Xray","drill_through_dimension_levels":"[Xray Test].[Test], [Xray Test Execution].[Execution]","drill_through_by":"xray_test_execution","predefined":"true"},"drilled_into_dimension":"Xray Test Type"},{"depth":0,"name":"Xray Test Runs","full_name":"[Measures].[Xray Test Runs]","format_string":"#,##0","annotations":{"group":"Xray","drill_through_dimension_levels":"[Xray Test].[Test], [Xray Test Execution].[Execution]","drill_through_by":"xray_test_execution","predefined":"true"},"drilled_into_dimension":"Xray Test Run Status"},{"depth":0,"name":"Xray Tests defect count","full_name":"[Measures].[Xray Tests defect count]","format_string":"#,##0","annotations":{"group":"Xray","drill_through_dimension_levels":"[Xray Test].[Test], [Xray Test Execution].[Execution]","drill_through_by":"xray_test_execution","predefined":"true"},"drilled_into_dimension":"Xray Defect Status"}]},{"name":"Xray Test Type","selected_set":["[Xray Test Type].[All Xray Test Types]"],"members":[{"depth":0,"name":"All Xray Test Types","full_name":"[Xray Test Type].[All Xray Test Types]","drillable":true,"type":"all","expanded":true,"drilled_into":false,"removed":false}],"bookmarked_members":[]},{"name":"Xray Test Run Status","selected_set":["[Xray Test Run Status].[Status].Members"],"members":[],"bookmarked_members":[]},{"name":"Xray Defect Status","selected_set":["[Xray Defect Status.Category].[Category].Members"],"members":[{"depth":1,"name":"(none)","full_name":"[Xray Defect Status.Category].[(none)]","drillable":true,"removed":true}],"bookmarked_members":[]}]},"rows":{"dimensions":[{"name":"Xray Test Plan","selected_set":["[Xray Test Plan].[All Xray Test Plans]"],"selected_set_expression":"DescendantsSet({{selected_set}}, [Xray Test Plan].[Plan])","members":[],"bookmarked_members":[]}],"filter_by":{"conditions":[{"expression":["[Measures].[Test Plan Begin date]","[Xray Test Type].[$hidden_all_member]","[Xray Test Run Status].[$hidden_all_member]","[Xray Defect Status.Category].[$hidden_all_member]"],"operator":"\u003e=","value":"6 month ago","value_type":"date","value_format_string":"mmm dd yyyy"}]}},"pages":{"dimensions":[{"name":"Xray Test Plan","duplicate":true,"selected_set":["[Xray Test Plan].[All Xray Test Plans]"],"members":[{"depth":0,"name":"All Xray Test Plans","full_name":"[Xray Test Plan].[All Xray Test Plans]","drillable":true,"type":"all"}],"bookmarked_members":[],"current_page_members":["[Xray Test Plan].[All Xray Test Plans]"]}]},"options":{},"view":{"current":"table","maximized":false,"table":{"show_key":["Xray Test Plan"],"row_dimension_headers":{"Xray Test Plan":true},"cell_formatting":{"[Xray Defect Status.Category].[To Do]":{"type":"range","rules":[{"min":"1","text_color":"#B31238","bold":true}]},"[Xray Defect Status.Category].[In Progress]":{"type":"range","rules":[{"min":"1","text_color":"#FFBC29"}]},"[Xray Defect Status.Category].[Done]":{"type":"range","rules":[{"min":"1","text_color":"#00875A","bold":true}]},"[Xray Test Run Status].[PASSED]":{"type":"range","rules":[{"min":"1","background_color":"#86DBA6"}]},"[Xray Test Run Status].[TO DO]":{"type":"range","rules":[{"min":"1","background_color":"#EBECF0"}]},"[Xray Test Run Status].[EXECUTING]":{"type":"range","rules":[{"min":"1","background_color":"#FFF2A4"}]},"[Xray Test Run Status].[FAILED]":{"type":"range","rules":[{"min":"1","background_color":"#FA80A7"}]},"[Xray Test Type].[All Xray Test Types]":{"type":"range","rules":[{"bold":true}]},"[Measures].[Test Plan Begin date]":{"type":"exact_value","mdx":"CASE WHEN \n DateCompare(\n [Xray Test Plan].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('End Date'),\n DateParse(\"today\")\n ) \u003c 0\nTHEN \"TP in past\"\nEND","rules":[{"exact_value":"TP in past","text_color":"#8993A4"}]},"[Measures].[Test Plan End date]":{"type":"exact_value","mdx":"CASE WHEN \n DateCompare(\n [Xray Test Plan].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('End Date'),\n DateParse(\"today\")\n ) \u003c 0\nTHEN \"TP in past\"\nEND","rules":[{"exact_value":"TP in past","text_color":"#8993A4"}]}}}},"calculated_members":[]} } ], "calculated_members": [{"name":"Test Plan Begin date","dimension":"Measures","formula":"-- annotations.group=Xray User defined\n[Xray Test Plan].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('Begin Date')","format_string":"mmm dd yyyy"},{"name":"Test Plan End date","dimension":"Measures","formula":"-- annotations.group=Xray User defined\n[Xray Test Plan].CurrentHierarchyMember.Get('End Date')","format_string":"mmm dd yyyy"}] }
See also
- Learn about Drill into measure functionality
- How to customize table.
- How to build Xray Test burnup for Test Plan report