Average resolution time and trend (Lead time)
eazyBI for Jira
On this page:
The report shows average resolution days over time together with a linear trend for the average resolution days.
How to build it
To build this report start with table view and in the Measures dimension select measure Average resolution days and unselect default measure Issues created.
Use Time dimension in Rows. Configure Time dimension as is more comfortable, e.g. "Monthly" to see how many issues were for each measure at the end of each Month.
Then click on measure Average resolution days and with an option Add calculated, add "Linear trend" to this measure, then new measure Linear trend Average resolution days automatically will be created.
- Average resolution days calculate what is the average resolution days for issues that are resolved. The formula is total resolution time divided by how many issues have been resolved. The measure is grouped by issue resolution date on Time dimension.
- The linear trend is a standard calculation that creates a linear trend measure of all visible rows for your selected measure.
Add the Time dimension to Pages for filtering report data and select predefined calculated member Last 12 months from Time dimension, use it to filter the report data. In Pages select also dimensions "Project", "Issue type", "Priority" and "Assignee".
Then switch to the Bar tab, select in toolbox option Vertical, for "Linear trend Average resolution days" chart type automatically will be dashed line. Add the top horizontal data label to measure "Average resolution days" and change colors for both measures.
See also
- Learn about different Jira Core measures and dimensions - what they are and how they work.
- See more about options that are available when you create a report.
- Learn how to modify different chart types.
- See training videos to learn more.