Jira Core measures and dimensions
eazyBI for Jira
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Jira core measures and dimensions represent issue workflow and standard fields that are shared for any Jira project type. See Jira Software or Jira Service Management for project type specific fields like Stroy Points or Service level agreement.
Issues data cube contains the following predefined measures:
Issues created | A total number of created issues that match selected dimension members. If the Time dimension is used then Issues created are grouped by issue creation dates. |
Issues due | Due (or unresolved) issues that do not have a resolution date. Used with the Time dimension, issues are grouped by issue due dates (if an issue does not have a due date then it is counted only to the All Times member). |
Issues resolved | Resolved issues that have a resolution date. Used with the Time dimension, grouped by issue resolution dates. |
Issues closed | Read also about additional Issues closed measure and how to use it. If the Issues closed measure is imported then also Issues closed count will be in this group. If Import issue change history is selected then also Transitions to status issues count and Transitions from status issues count will be in this group. |
Open issues | Calculates a number of unresolved issues at the end of the corresponding Time dimension period (as Issues created minus Issues resolved since the beginning of the time until the end of the selected time period). |
Issues with due date | All issues (both due and resolved) which have a due date specified. Used with the Time dimension, grouped by issue due dates. |
Issues last updated | A total number of issues that match selected dimension members. If the Time dimension is used then Issues last updated counts issues by the last update date and shows the total count in the corresponding period. |
Sub-tasks createdSub-tasks dueSub-tasks resolved | A total number of sub-tasks for parent issues that match selected dimension members. Use those measures in reports and calculations in case you need to apply filters on parent issues only and then get the count of their sub-tasks; otherwise, use corresponding measures for Issues created, Issues due, and Issues resolved (they include values for all level issues, parent and sub-tasks, based on the report context). |
Average resolution days | Calculates average resolution days of resolved issues (counted as Issues resolved) and are grouped by issue resolution date on the Time dimension. Hidden Total resolution days Measure, which returns a pre-calculated number of days from created to resolved dates, is used in the Average resolution days formula. |
Average resolution workdays | Similar to Average resolution days but only workdays are calculated according to Time dimension options. |
Average closing days | Calculates average closing days of closed issues (that are counted in Issues closed) and are grouped by issue closing date on Time dimension. Hidden Total closing days Measure, which returns a pre-calculated number of days from created to closing dates, is used in the Average closing days formula. |
Average age days | Calculates current average age days of unresolved issues (that are counted in Issues due) and are grouped by issue due date on Time dimension. |
Average age workdays | Similar to Average age days but only workdays are calculated according to Time dimension options. |
Measures representing Issue change history, like Transitions to status, Issues history, Transitions to assignee, etc., are described on Import issue change history page.
Measures representing estimates and logged hours, like Hours spent, Original estimated hours, and Remaining estimated hours, are described on Time tracking measures page.
Distinct issues count
Issues created countIssues due countIssues resolved countIssues closed count | In Distinct issues count measure group distinct (unique) count of issues is calculated. These measures can show a different result than previously described Issues created, due and resolved measures in a case when some multi-value dimension with a multiple-member selection is put on pages (e.g. Project components or versions or multi-value custom fields). E.g. if several components are selected and one issue belongs to two of the selected components then Issues created value will be 2 but Issues created count value will be 1 for this issue. If Issues closed measure is imported then also Issues closed count will be in this group. If Import issue change history is selected then also Transitions to status issues count and Transitions from status issues count will be in this group. |
Properties are calculated measures retrieving specific information for each particular dimension member. Some of the properties are also available as dimensions (Issue Type, Status) to analyze data by or are related to measures (Issues created date is related to measure Issues created or property Issue Story points are related to a measure Story points created), while some of them are available only as properties (Project lead).
To get a property value displayed in the report, you should use dimension members of the corresponding dimension in the report rows: Issue dimension Issue level members if issue properties should be displayed, Fix version or Affects version Version level members if version properties should be displayed, etc.
Property values are displayed empty for higher-level members or if other dimensions are selected in rows. It is also true for calculations where properties are used in the formula.
Property names usually start with the name of the corresponding dimension: Issue .... , Project .... , Version .... .
Issue properties | |
Issue created dateIssue updated dateIssue resolution dateIssue due dateIssue due date old valuesNEWIssue reporterIssue assigneeIssue typeIssue priorityIssue statusIssue resolutionIssue affects versionsIssue fix versionsIssue componentsIssue Compass componentsIssue labelsIssue key NEWIssue summary NEW | If the Issue dimension is placed on rows and expanded to detailed issues and these measures are placed on columns then detailed creation, updated, resolution and due dates, as well as reporter, assignee, type, priority, status, and resolution of issues are shown. For team-managed projects, property Issue type value is a combination of issue type and project key, like "Story (DEMO)". Also, property Issue status value is a combination of status and project key, like "In Progress (DEMO)" Issue properties, Issue due date old values, Issue key, and Issue summary are available on Cloud and since eazyBI version 7.2. On the Jira Data Center, re-import all data to import Issue due date old values for all issues in the account. |
Issue parent keyIssue sub-task keysIssue open sub-task keys | It also can be used if Issue dimension members at issues are placed in rows. |
Other properties | |
Project leadComponent lead | It can be used if Project dimension (at project or component level) is placed on rows. |
Version release date | It can be used if Affects Version or Fix Version dimensions are placed in rows. |
Measures and calculated measures can be analyzed by the following dimensions. Some dimensions contain multiple hierarchies but only one hierarchy from a dimension can be used in the report.
Project | Both hierarchies in the Project dimension contain a Project that can be expanded to the Component level to see all components of the particular project. If the issue is assigned to several components, it will be counted for each component but only once for the whole project. Compass components are not imported in the Project dimension; you might consider importing a new calculated field to analyze data by components (incl. compass components). Issue components are imported also in the Component dimension. There is an option to create custom hierarchies with the Add custom hierarchy. It is possible to create a hierarchy based on Project property Project lead or custom project properties imported with additional data import. |
Reporter | Users who reported issues. There is an option to create custom hierarchies with the Add custom hierarchy. It is possible to create a hierarchy based on custom Reporter properties imported with additional data import. User dimension members have several properties available. For, example Email, Jira user group. You can display properties for user-level members using the function Get in calculated measure. |
Assignee | Current (last) assignee user for issues. When used with measures representing change history, shows the issue assignee at the time. There is an option to create custom hierarchies with the Add custom hierarchy. It is possible to create a hierarchy based on custom Assignee properties imported with additional data import. User dimension members have several properties available. For, example Email, Jira user group. You can display properties for user-level members using the function Get in calculated measure. |
Issue Type | Current (last) issue type. When used with measures representing change history, shows the issue type at the time. For team-managed projects, issue type value is a combination of issue type and project key, like "Story (DEMO)". eazyBI also creates a secondary hierarchy By Name that groups issue types first by issue type name and then by project-specific issue types thus allowing to analyze all issues with the same issue type name across all team-managed and standard projects. |
Priority | Current issue priority. When used with measures representing change history, shows the issue priority at the time. |
Status | Current issue status. This dimension has a secondary hierarchy that aggregates members into Status Category. For team-managed projects, issue status value is a combination of status and project key, like "In Progress (DEMO)". eazyBI also creates a secondary hierarchy By Name that groups issue statuses first by status name and then by project-specific status thus allowing to analyze all issues with the same status name across all team-managed and standard projects. |
Resolution | Current (last) resolution if present. When used with measures representing change history, shows the issue resolution at the time. |
Affects Version | The current affects versions of an issue that are grouped at Project and Status levels. If several affects versions are specified for an issue then it will be counted for all versions but only once for all projects. This dimension has multiple hierarchies to choose from. |
Fix Version | Current fix versions of an issue that are grouped at Project and Status levels. If several fix versions are specified for an issue then it will be counted for all versions but only once for all projects. This dimension has multiple hierarchies to choose from. |
Issue | List of all individual issues, grouped by Project hierarchy level. The Issue dimension typically is not used for summary reports but can be used to drill report selected results cell across Issue dimension Issue level to see all individual issues which are counted in some total. This dimension can have more than two hierarchies (for example, if Epic is imported) It is also possible to establish additional hierarchies in this dimension (if Issue links used in Jira). |
Logged by | Users who have logged hours. To be used with the Hours spent measure. There is an option to create custom hierarchies with the Add custom hierarchy. It is possible to create a hierarchy based on custom Logged by properties imported with additional data import. User dimension members have several properties available. For, example Email, Jira user group. You can display properties for user-level members using the function Get in calculated measure. |
Worklog | This dimension can be used with the "Hours spent" and "Tempo billed hours" measures to analyze results by different Time periods and by Logged by dimension users and/or "Issues". Dimension members will be worklog IDs. Worklog dimension is available on Cloud |
Label | Current labels of issue. If several labels are specified for an issue then measures will be counted for each label. |
Time | Standard time dimension with Year / Quarter / Month / Day hierarchy and weekly hierarchy with Year / Week / Day levels. There is an option to create custom hierarchies with the Add custom hierarchy. It is possible to create a Fiscal hierarchy and Multiple weeks hierarchies. |
Week Day | Days of the week. The order of the days is depending on the import settings about the first day of the week. |
Reporter GroupAssignee GroupLogged by Group | Corresponding Jira user groups of reporters, assignees or logged by users. If a user belongs to several Jira user groups then the corresponding measure value will be included for all corresponding user groups in the user group dimension. Go to import options to select user group dimensions for data import. |
Assignee Project RoleReporter Project RoleNEW | Project role which is directly associated with user representing issue reporter or assignee. Jira user groups associated with project roles are not supported, those users appear under (none) project role. Go to import options to select user project role dimensions for data import. Project Role dimensions are available on Cloud and since eazyBI version 7.2. |
Age intervalResolution interval | The Age Interval dimension groups currently unresolved issues by their age from the issue created date till now; resolved issues are included in the (none) member of this dimension. The Resolution Interval groups currently resolved issues by resolution days from the issue created date till resolution date; unresolved issues are included in the (none) member of this dimension. Intervals for those dimensions can be changed by report users based on their eazyBI user roles. Read the documentation on Interval dimensions for details how to enable them and modify intervals. |
Security Level | Current security level assigned to an issue. |
Component NEW | Component assigned to issues. Issue components are available also in the Project dimension where they are grouped by projects. Component dimensions are available on Cloud and since eazyBI version 7.2. |
Compass Component | Compass Component assigned to issues. Compass Component dimensions is available on Cloud. |
Relative Time periods
When you create a new eazyBI account and import data there will be some predefined calculated members created in the Time dimension. These calculated members can help you with dynamic calculations, for example, to calculate the number of issues resolved in the previous month.
Current month | It finds and returns the member of the Time dimension at the Month level that is the month when the report is being executed. This member is created in a default Time dimension hierarchy and might not work with other hierarchies in Time dimension |
Previous month | It finds and returns the member of the Time dimension at the Month level that is one month prior to the month when the report is being executed. This member is created in a default Time dimension hierarchy and might not work with other hierarchies in Time dimension |
Last 12 months | It aggregates members from Time dimension at the Month level based between 12 months ago and today (dynamically). This member is created in a default Time dimension hierarchy and might not work with other hierarchies in Time dimension |
Last 30 days | It aggregates members from Time dimension at the Day level based between 30 days ago and today (dynamically). This member is created in a default Time dimension hierarchy and might not work with other hierarchies in Time dimension |
Current year | It finds and returns the member of the Time dimension at the Year level that is the year when the report is being executed. This member is created in a default Time dimension hierarchy and might not work with other hierarchies in Time dimension |
Previous year | It finds and returns the member of the Time dimension at the Year level that is one year prior to the year when the report is being executed. This member is created in a default Time dimension hierarchy and might not work with other hierarchies in Time dimension |
Current week | It finds and returns the member of the Time dimension at the Week level that is the week when the report is being executed. This member is created in a weekly Time dimension hierarchy and might work only in this particular hierarchy |
Previous week | It finds and returns the member of the Time dimension at the Week level that is one week prior to the week when the report is being executed. This member is created in a weekly Time dimension hierarchy and might work only in this particular hierarchy |
Last 4 weeks | It aggregates members from Time dimension at the Week level based between 4 weeks ago and the current week (dynamically). This member is created in a weekly hierarchy for the Time dimension and might work only in this particular hierarchy |
eazyBI allows opening and viewing formulas for these calculated members but it would not let you change them. Feel free to copy formulas and adjust them to create your own custom periods for report filtering and calculations.