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Work in Progress and resolution overview
eazyBI for Jira

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The report shows an overview of Progress cycle issues, total open, and resolved issues in the selected Time period. For the progress cycle, you can see how many issues with the progress cycle were completed and how long it took on average to complete the progress cycle. Measure Issues in Progress shows how many issues are in the progress cycle at the end of the selected time period. The report shows how many issues in total were resolved, and average resolution days for those issues, as well as, open issues at the end of the period. The report can be filtered by projects, different time periods, as well as by issue types, priorities, and assignees. 

How to build it

To build this report start with a table view and in the Measures dimension select measures Issues in Progress, Issues Progress ended, Average Progress days, Open issues, Issues resolved , and Average resolution days. 

  • "Issues in Progress"  is a number of issues in the progress cycle at the end of the corresponding Time dimension period (as "Issues Progress started" minus "Issues Progress ended" from the beginning of the time until the end of the selected time period).
  • "Issues Progress ended" is the count of issues that ended the progress cycle and currently are not in the cycle. On the Time dimension, grouped by the last date when the issue moved from any status of the progress cycle to any other not-cycle status.
  • "Average Progress days" shows average days of the total time the issue spent in any status of the cycle and currently is not in the cycleOn the Time dimension, grouped by the last date when the issue moved from the cycle to any other not-cycle status
  • "Open issues" calculate what is the number of unresolved issues at the end of the corresponding Time dimension period or how many issues have been created and are still without the resolution. The measure counts issues from the beginning of the time until the end of the selected time period.
  • "Issues resolved"  are the issues that have the resolution and resolution date. The measure is grouped by issue resolution date on the Time dimension.
  • "Average resolution days" calculate what is the average resolution days for issues that are resolved. The formula is total resolution time divided by how many issues have been resolved. The measure is grouped by issue resolution date on the Time dimension.

In the report Rows, select the Project dimension. Add the same Project dimension to Pages for filtering report data.

Add Time dimension to Pages for filtering report data and select predefined calculated member Last 12 months from Time dimension and use it to filter the report data. From the Time dimensions select also calculated members "All Times", "Current month", "Previous month", "Current year", and "Previous year" so they are available in Page filter options.
In Pages add "Issue type", "Priority", and "Assignee" dimensions. 

Then switch to the Gauge view and select only values from to toolbar. To the measures Open issues, Issues resolved and Average resolution days set a different color.

See also