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Unresolved issues by assignee and status
eazyBI for Jira

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The report shows how many issues are currently unresolved by assignees and status categories. To be able to create such reports, please make sure you have selected Import issues change history in Source data import options.

How to build it

To build this report start with table view and in the Measures dimension select measure Issues due and unselect default measure Issues created.

Measure Issues due (or unresolved) issues do not have resolution and resolution date. On the Time dimension they are grouped by issue due dates (if the issue does not have a due date then it will be counted only in All Times member and won't be visible if a particular Time period is selected).

In the report Rows, select the Assignee dimension and select "User" level to see data per each assignee. Select measure Issues due to order values in descending order. 

In the report Columns add the Status dimension and select "Category" level. To eliminate assignees and status categories that are not used (there are any issues in this assignee and status category), select Hide empty rows and columns.

Add the same Assignee and Status dimensions to Pages for filtering report data. In Pages select also dimensions "Project", "Issue type", "Priority" and "Assignee group". 

Then switch to the Bar tab and select in toolbox option Stacked to show a composition of status categories per assignee. Change colors for "Transition Status" members. 

See also